Street View
BERLIN, 2021
“Textures upon textures is a dense Street View street
Spacious and matted apart from
Instances of Nosy light
Surfing round corners
All tree leaves nod in acceptance
Every unique cobblestone dreams of standing out
Every Graffiti tag states its business
On building
On object
On skin
Well-kept commuters
Click and meander purposefully
Gadgets clamber their frames
Black boots reveal their age their
Every time they sneer at gravity
Laces shrugging
Fresh air congratulates good behaviour
The once surreptitious light
Now situated unashamedly bold in view
Begging the commuter to sing a solo
During the breakdown
Free agents filling up
Dot dot dot days
20 minute debriefs before they
Bump out of each other
Cross stitch paths cross
With yesterday’s best friends
And tomorrow’s acquaintances“